Ambulance And Emergency

Where the company works with several international companies specialized in first aid and the processing of emergency and emergency departments in hospitals and oil companies and the processing of ambulances with all equipment and emergency supplies as well as the processing of oil fields with emergency and emergency supplies to ensure the safety of workers.

It Is companies we work with in this field

  devices. Specialized in the processing of ambulances, emergency and processing of oil fields with mobile medical  :SPANCER company

.          Spanish HERSILL Company : Specialized in providing ambulance and emergency bags equipped with all first aid kits of all sizes

Metrax  Primedic GmbH : Specializing in emergency and emergency devices, high-quality easy-to-carry respirators and electric  shock devices.

Promek Turkish company : Where they provide mobile beds and patient transport carrier

Paramed UAE company : Specializing in the manufacture of ambulances of all kinds